Undaunted: Facing my Fears
Category : Upward Thoughts
I’m currently reading (almost done with) “Undaunted: Daring to do what God calls you to do” by Christine Caine. I would HIGHLY recommend this book. Christine Caine founded the A21 organization to end human trafficking and abolish slavery. Throughout this book Caine shares moving stories of those she has rescued as well as from her own life.
Caine shares her thoughts on overcoming fear. Fear says, “I’m willing to go–as long as…” A glimpse into those conversations with God when we still feel the need to try and control the situation. We still haven’t totally surrendered if we are bargaining for control. Wow!
I tried to put caveats of safety and assurance of a safe return on our venture to Africa. While I absolutely believe in the blood of Jesus to protect my family, I know that we are not guaranteed anything in this life. So when Caine states that:
“Courage, after all, is not the absence of fear. It’s the will to persevere even in the face of fear.”
I took a deep breath (knowing this chapter was written just for me) and kept reading…
I’ve been saying 2 Timothy 1:7 over and over in mind as I struggle to face my fears.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7 NLT)
It’s definitely a challenge, but I want to be this example for my kids. I want them to know that their mom and dad were “all in” for Jesus.
1 Comment
April 1, 2013 at 4:03 am“This has blessed me so much. I know this is a deep need in a “mothers” heart. I do want to be free of any fear. I have my strong days but then I have a week one. This has been a blessing for me. Thank you sooooo much. You know the old saying don’t pray for patience, because you will be challenged to develop it. wel,l I think I was living with the thought. If I don’t fear then it wont happen. That is a controlling bargaining trick. I think I will read this book.