10 things to know about Genesis (age 2)
Category : Mom Life
1. Pink! Anything pink…she will only wear one out of the 6 pairs of panties–the ALL pink pair (and don’t even suggest she wear a non-pink dress that day!)
2. Loves to watch Mary Poppins and Wheels on the Bus (volume 3, naturally)
3. She loves Judah– they play everything together (she’s usually Super Girl, Optimus Prime, or Ironman II)
4. Very loving– freely gives hugs and “tisses”
5. Steak-and-Potatoes kinda girl
6. VERY independent–don’t even think about helping her into the car (especially when you’re in a hurry!)
7. LOVES music and dance– Pinkle, Pinkle, Little Star; Dynamite; and One Way are frequent songs at our house. However, the only rendition of Pinkle, Pinkle, Little Star that is acceptable is her own
8. “Hostess with the mostest” Everyone WILL HAVE a cup of coffee (water) by the time you sit down
9. Speaking of coffee…she loves to start the day with a good ‘ol cup of (decaf) joe and a rusk. (For anyone concerned, it’s only a sip of coffee and a lot of milk)
10. EVERYTIME is PLAYTIME. Doesn’t matter if it’s bath-time, bedtime, time-out, car rides, getting dressed, or nap time– she will make it a game! …and you’ll end up playing (because, let face it, she so stinkin’ fun!)